Saponi Native Americans
Before the family name of Lynch was even a passing whisper through the rolling hills of Virginia, the Saponi Native Americans called the land on which Avoca would form home. The Saponi were a widespread group…
Lynch and Fauntleroy Family Crests
Pictured above are two paintings of the Lynch and Fauntleroy family crests which were found in the museum’s collections. Family crests have been around for a very long time, and are great resources for tracking the story of one’s family…
The Beginnings of the Lynch Family & Green Chestnut Hill
Decades before the infamous escapades of the patriot Colonel Charles Lynch his father made the journey across the seas into a new life and a new world. Oral tradition carries that around the year of 1720 in the Irish city of Galway…
The Origins of Lynch Law
The term “Lynch Law” in modern times has very negative connotations, but it may be surprising to learn that Lynch Law has no roots in racism. It is sometimes contested where Lynch Law truly originated. Some will claim that Lynch…
The Issue of Quakerism in Charles Lynch’s Life
The inscription on the gravestone of Colonel Charles Lynch Jr. reads, “active and zealous Patriot of the Revolution” and perhaps that is the best phrase possible to describe the life of the eldest Lynch son. While Lynch…
Charles Lynch Jr. in the American Revolution
Colonel Charles Lynch Jr. has been remembered in local, as well as, national history as an important patriot of the American Revolution. He was active in the emerging United States from a time that rebellion seemed only a glimmer…
Manumission by John & Charles Lynch
For much of his life, Charles Lynch truly fit the stereotype of a rebel. He had turned away from many of the teachings of his childhood. Due to his activity in local politics and the American Revolution…
Avoca in the Revolutionary War
We’ve already discussed the famous activities of Colonel Charles Lynch Jr. during the Revolutionary War, but what about the big picture? Avoca was featured in a prominent location…
America's Independence
July 4th is traditionally the most patriotic weekend of the year, celebrations of America’s independence have looked pretty much the same since 1776. The first recorded celebration…
Betsy Fauntleroy
Did you know that an ancestor of Thomas Fauntleroy once rubbed shoulders with George Washington? Elizabeth “Betsy” Fauntleroy was the daughter of William Fauntleroy…
Special thanks…
Avoca Museum would like to thank our generous annual sponsors!